Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pakenham Fall Fair 2009

 Saturday August 15, 2009

This year's fair was held on the hottest day of the summer so far. After weeks of rain it was nice to see the sun, but boy was it hot!
Despite the heat we had a wonderful turnout at the fair.
The fair in icludes a horse show, 4-H beef and dairy shows, exhibits, childrens activities, vendor market place, displays and a petting zoo.

Some of the fuzzy creatures in the petting zoo.

Children's Activities
For the childern we had some old fashion fair games. The children came to the registration desk and were given a  score card. There were nine stations, each with a different activity, such as gourd bowling, apple find, apple toss, fishing pond, guess the jelly beans, knock Humpty Dumpty off the wall, make a scarecrow and an obsticle course. Once completed each child received a prize. 

Gourd Bowling

Scarecrow Making

Fishing Pond

Frog Jumping
A popular activity at the Pakenham Fall Fair is our annual Frog jumping compitition, The childern must find their own frog which they can enter into one of three catagories: Bruisers (large), Cruisers (medium) or Fly Weight (small).  The contestants gather in the center of the circle and face the outside and on the count of three the frogs are released. You are not allowed to touch the frog but you may blow on it or tap the ground behind it. The first frog to jump out of the circle is the winner. The winners are then announced and receive thier metals. All frogs are released back into their natural enviroments after the race.

On your mark, get set, go!

And the winner is...!

Rope Making Display

Children's Exhibits

A very popular catagory in the exhibts is the photo competition.

Exhibit Hall

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July Camping trip at Fitzroy Provincial Park

I really enjoy camping.
I really enjoy camping.
I really enjoy ....

OK, I usually enjoy camping but I am getting a little tired of camping in the rain. The last three times we have been camping it has rained. I don't mind a few hours of rain but three days of it is not much fun!

or at least making the best of it.

What makes camping in the rain NO fun? Having to come home, dry everything out and put it away. Of course there will be no one willing to help you.

Where are my darling teenagers?

Oh yah! they are giving our white dog who spent three days playing in the mud a bath in a white bathroom. I'm not sure what would have been worst to clean up, the dog or the bathroom.

The funny thing is that when the time for the next camping trip comes along, I'll forget all about this and do it again.

I really love camping! No, really.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Canada Day Eve

Canada Day Eve Parade

This Canada Day Eve turned out to be a rainy one but didn’t seem to dampen the sprits of the participants or the spectators. The rain decided to stop just as the parade was starting.

After the Parade a talent show was held in the community centre. I was busy through the show face painting, wow were we busy. I didn’t get a break so I don't have any pictures of the wonderful talent we have here in Pakenham. During the show it started to rain again, luckily we were indoors.

After the talent show we enjoyed a great fireworks display. Our luck was with us again, as we walked outside the rain stopped.

Happy Canada Day!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Technical Difficulty.

In my last post there were a few typos and spelling mistakes, I can seem to figure out how to go back and fix them. It's time to go to work so I have to work on that technical difficulty tonight. If you read this maybe you can help!!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Visit to Papanack Zoo

I am a Girl Guide Leader and this week end we went on a "Mom and Me  Sleepover at Papanack Zoo (Wendover, Ontario, Canada).

We arrived at 11 on Saturday morning and set up out tents in the Zebra pen, no there were not any zebra's present.

We went on a tour of the zoo with a very knowledgeable tour guide Jen. 
We saw the African Lions eating dinner, 

and white Bengal Tigers, they are not albinos as they have some pigmentation in the form of black stripes and blue eyes. I don't think they would survive long in India maybe the Arctic, or not.

an Arctic Fox.

We saw lots of different animals which the girls loved, but they also had a lot of fun in the petting  zoo.
Hmm, who laid these eggs the chicken or the Easter bunny?

Saturday night we enjoyed a short campfire as the girls were very tired and went to bed shortly after 10pm, or was it the moms who were tired. Normally it takes lots encouragement from us leaders for us to get the girls to go to sleep. 
 I forgot to turn my camera back to auto focus after having turned off it off to get better pictures of the animal behind their cages. All my campfire picture are out of focus but I encluded this one anyways. I think it kind of adds to the mystery of the night, notice the full moon.  

I had looked forward to sleeping at the zoo and hearing all the animals at night,unfortunately we were parked beside a road which had lots of speeding traffic all night. This also included, blaring horns and loud music as they passed the zoo.
The next morning we learned from our guide that just down the road she noticed a home with lots of lawn chair circled around a fire, I hope this doesn't happen regularly, it is not fair to the animals or visitors!

We did hear the lions roar, and the wolves howl between noisy par-tiers. At times it seemed the lions were right outside the tent.  

This guys clock is all messed up and he liked to cock-a-doodle which added to the noise!

Thursday, June 4, 2009